Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My friends' adventure in Africa

Amazing. I just finished reading my friends' Kelli and Joe's blog account of their short-lived time with the Peace Corps in South Africa. I highly recommend reading some of it, even if you don't know them - it is fantastically written, has great pictures, and an incredible story (start reading mid-December, especially). Long story short: a mere few months into their 2 year tour with the PC, they got most of their stuff stolen, had to be helicoptered off a mountain and were forced to resign. I can't say enough how much I admire the dignity, optimism, and good faith that Joe and Kelli showed during their ordeal, and continue to show. Check it out: petrickafrica.blogspot.com.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Evidentally, 7.5 miles is my limit

I wasn't intending on doing Bloomsday, but was suckered into it by a very enthusiastic Forstie family. I was generously lent (too-small) walking shoes and other clothes; I started out in the walking shoes, but switched over to my new Crocs (yah, yah, "what about 'the compact'? you say) at about mile 3 (see me in mile 7's photo). Boy, I'm sold on those suckers - saved my feet, they did. But I am a bit sore in the hip flexor area ... we'll see what happens tomorrow, especially after sitting in a car for 4 hours for the drive back to Seattle.

Sidenote: In "researching" links for to attach to this blog about Crocs, I discovered an "I hate Crocs" blog. Do people really have nothing better to do than blog (and create t-shirts for sale... oh wait... could it be that they're making money?) about a shoe fad? yikes.