Sunday, June 17, 2007

Jam jam jam

I made jam today. For the first time ever. There's a lot of sugar in jam. More sugar than strawberries. hmmm.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pro Bowler!!

Originally uploaded by gaslantern
What better way to celebrate a birthday than with some bowling?

Monkey Cake!

Originally uploaded by gaslantern

I just had a birthday!

And wowie, it was fun. Went bowling with my peeps, then back to our place for some random fun (does anyone else take turns reading childrens' books aloud?). I was honored by the presence of some very thoughtful, creative, amazing and wonderful friends and Mom - and two cakes!

I have to give thanks to Melinda for finding ever-more creative ways to not buy anything new. She surprised me with three (3!) bags of gifts: a coat she snagged from a friend at our garage sale last year (that she knew I wanted), my missing water bottle (OK, that's a little bit of cheating), a partially used set of nature cards (Goodwill?), newish (well, maybe entirely new) camping cookware she got for very cheap, AND a cow mug (Thanks so much) that included a gift card to Goodwill; the icing on the cake was a re-used birthday card, with the previous givers' names crossed out in a handmade envelope! I think part of the reason we've done so well with the Compacting is that it is so fun to see how we creative we can get.

Check out Andrew's photos of the momentous occasion.