Monday, March 5, 2007

I thought this might be a good writing exercise

Good evening! Here it goes: I'm jumping on the wagon of the Blog. Imagine! Just a few short years ago, I (and most people I know) had never even heard of a blog! And now it's in the dictionary. It's enough to make a person feel old. Still no iPod for me, but I do have a palm pilot! I'm goin' tech.

So now, a short briefing for those who've forgotten or didn't know:
I have four jobs. All EE (success?), and all at least 20 miles away from where I live in Ballard. I have many issues with my chosen profession (more on that later, I'm sure), and the one that nears the top of the list at this point is the commuting.
I've recently joined Melinda in a no-new-buying "compact" (that's what others are calling it - see links) from January to June... and hopefully beyond. What this means is that we don't buy anything new (except food and health/safety stuff). But Goodwill is fair game! Our small attempt at further lessing our impact on earth.


LIONO said...

Woohoo! This post is like the first dollar a new business makes.

Oh crap, I feel like I need to say something poignant, right now... umm... damn the pressure. Ah, I'll rip someone off with a good quote, that always works.

Henry David Thoreau said:
"Nature abhors a vacuum, and if I can only walk with sufficient carelessness I am sure to be filled."


K Schimmy said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're doing this, now I can link to you. Cheers!

Salal said...

I'm glad you found me... but how did you know???

K Schimmy said...

Rick is a snoop... he looked on the link to your profile, which was on a post from my blog. Welcome to the bloggorrhea!